Hello, my name is Matthäus. I’m a 30 years old hobby photographer and web designer from Vienna. I spend most of my spare time with photography and sorts. In winter I’m skiinstructor, so I don’t have so much time for photography. My most subjects are portraits, landscape and sports like ultimate and skiing. I always search for some interesting subjects, so if you know one which might interest me please write me a message, I would be glad. I’m still on search for the right style, so I’m happy to try something new.
You can meet me on several parties and events in and around Vienna, i.e. schmelzfest, dreistil, dodgeball, happychallenges and many ultimate tournaments. There are also some pictures from me on their homepages too, take a look.
I take all pictures on this homepage and all rights belong to me. If you like some and you want use them feel free to ask, but please don’t use pictures without my permission.
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish.